Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The thing that struck me the most in the movie Restrepo, I think was in the very beginning Captain Dan Kearney said " Just let me kill the damn enemy". They dont see them as people, but an object to kill, which I hate to say is probably what they are told to do.
The scene where Rice says "Ruegal got killed, best guy got killed. What's gonna happen to me, or the guy to my right or to my left?" seems very emotional because once you see someone actually get killed, I can see why he would think "well when will I go? or my buddy?"
The person I would have recommended it too had already seen it. He mentioned his buddy being in the Cornwall Valley right now and it hasn't gotten any better then what the movie tells. He has been in the Army and was in Irac, he told me that is a pretty good example of what war is like there. Having to watch your back every sec. because you never whats going to happen.


  1. I think that thinking of them as things to shoot takes away the thought of taking a human life.

  2. I believe that a soldier is a person who has been trained to kill. I remember when my brother came home from basic training, he wouldn't smile or anything. He told me that while he was there, you are trained to kill and trained to protect your country and that's all you should do. I think its sad that things like that happen and they only see the enemy as a thing to kill but if you have to do what your job trains you for.

  3. Good post I liked how you mentioned the quote about Ruegal getting killed that was such a powerful scene.

  4. I always wondered how demoralizing it would be to have the best fighter killed when the others followed after his lead. Leading by bravery and example is easy to do when you're not the leader. What happens when you have to step up and become that leader?

  5. Its hard to not think of them as people, but Im sure they say the same about our soldiers. very sad!
