Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exploration Seven

What struck me the most about the film Restrepo was the constant state of fear the soldiers were in. The troop was stationed in one of the most dangerous places in war and in turn feared for their safety. Upon arriving, one of the soldiers expressed this fear when he said, “The monkeys were howling and I thought they were Taliban.” The soldiers paid attention to every sound and movement around them in case it was made by the enemy. Later in the film a soldier further expressed this feeling when he said, “The fear is always there, especially at night.” Despite their constant state of fear, the soldiers fought for the safety of Americans with great sacrifice.

The scene that was most memorable to me was the scene when the troop got together to remember Restrepo. They told stories and in a way brought life back to their lost friend. This short scene stood out to me because it shows the unity of the group. Each soldier has a different past and personality yet they had formed a family that supported and respected each other. Perhaps this unity is what gave the soldiers hope through the testing times of war.

I would definitely recommend this film to my friends and family. It gives great insight to the experiences of soldiers at war. The film did not seem to be partial to one perspective but instead was authentic to all sides of war. It shows both the good and the bad of the experiences at war. My friends and family could learn a lot from watching Restrepo.


  1. I loved the scene where the soldiers got together to remember Restrepo a year after his death. This scene was very moving to me and made me realize how much these men truly loved and cared for each other.

  2. I agree that the scene to remember Restrepo was amazing. Amongst all that caos, they were still able to find time to have peace inside themselves.

  3. I also enjoyed the part of the film where the men got together and remembered Restrepo. All of the soldiers having a different personality and past reminded me of college in a way. For the longest time we all knew the same people but once we got into college, everything was different and so were all the people.

  4. I agree with your first paragraph about how the soldiers paid close attention to everything. I think that if we would all pay as close attention to everything in our life we would be better off. I also think that the soldiers valued their life a lot more because of their surroundings.

  5. I am glad you wrote about the fear these soldiers had. Being in new surroundings alone can make somebody nervous. These soldiers were in a new place they knew was dangerous. Nobody knew how close the Taliban might get during the night. I think the fear is enough to show the stresses soldiers go through on a daily basis.
