Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"I can't sleep. I have been on so many sleep aids but none of them work. I still have nightmares." What struck me the most about the film was that I didn't think that anyone with a video camera would get that close to a firefight. I also liked to see the interaction between the soldiers and the locals. The scene that was most memorable to me was when one of the soldiers was shot and killed beside the tree and another huge soldier just burst into tears and was crying. It made me imagine what I would have done if I were there. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.


  1. Ya, I don't know about the whole recording during the war, drop the camera and pick up a weapon.

  2. I kind of agree with the both of you about recording the whole thing! Ahh, terror but I think it is amazing how someone will risk their life just to record what we are doing. Who knows, maybe some of the soldiers had cameras on their helmets, not quite sure though. It is just amazing how someone will record our history in the making!

  3. I agree with you on most things. About the filming, i'm glad that someone is willing to risk their life to record all of the chaos going on in war. It gives me a better understand if i can actually SEE what is going on.

  4. I agree with you about the filming. First of all that they let a camera that close to the war and recording everything that happen to the soldiers and people around the area they were shooting at def. blew my mind.

  5. I would not be able to go into the war and get live footage, it is unbelievable that the guy did in this video. If i were him/her I would probably end up wanting to stop and picking up a gun.
