I have always been a huge action movie buff so its no surprise that I am a Quientin Tarantion fan. I personally do not think that I have never not liked one of his movies. I have seen all his films from his early stuff like Reservoir Dogs all the way to his latest movie Inglourious Basterds.The things that I admire most about Tarantino are that he does not just conform to any main stream type of directing. Instead he films every one of his movies in his own style making them unique. For example in the Kill bill Volumes Quientin splits scenes up into chapters instead of just changing scenes. This Tarantion style makes the movie much more than an entertaining blockbuster, but instead a kind of art equal only in literature. This is why I love his movies because each one is just like a good book, and like a good book you can read it thousands of times and still find something new or a different perspective, it never gets dull and that is why i love his movies.
That's awesome you like Tarantino. Netflix has got Reservoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction is in my top 5 for favorite movies. His movies are sick, and he captures things that aren't seen in other movies, and I love that. Good Post!
ReplyDeleteI also love his movies! Pulp Fiction is one of my favorites!
ReplyDeleteTarantino makes some great movies and definitely agree with how he makes each movie unique. He pulls people in with his movies and like you said you can watch it over and over again and still find something new in them.
ReplyDeleteI respect him a lot. His movies are hit-or-miss though. Inglorious Bastards was great, but then you watch Death Proof and it is not nearly as entertaining.
ReplyDeleteInglorious Bastards was such a weird, but awesome movie.It has something I think Hollywood has lost over the last few years, originality.
ReplyDeleteQuientin is perhaps the best movie maker out there. I have to say Pulp Fiction is his best movie.